[Diaryland] [Fuck Me, Please] [Past Glory] [Latest Flavor/Error]

All Or Nothing


[06.26.05]-[2:33 p.m.]

So I've had a crazy few weeks. Been arrested, got into an accident and sold my car, had seizures in jail, became a felon, got so happy on my trip, got so depressed I was ready to die. Lots of things have changed. I'm only 1/2 way through my trip, and all this has happened.

I started my cross country road trip on the 11th, and drove to Nevada, lost 100 bucks in Reno, slept in the car. Drove to Idaho, went to Boise, got my drink drugged and someone tried to take me home with him after drugging me. I made it to the hostel though, and threw up my life for two hours. Went to Yellowstone, saw Old Faithful. Went to the Grand Tetons, and they were incredible.

Took a backwoods route through the Grand Tetons between Idaho and Wyoming and jerked off on the edge of a cliff looking out at the praire below me 8000 feet down thinking about someone I am not going to name. Drove through Wyoming, stopped in a small town and had breakfast (slept in the car the night before so I left early, and got food at 8am. A bunch of high school kids met up there while I was eating (they had two days left till they graduated) and I was scared to death they were going to see me and kill me and cut off my dick and tie me to a post and leave me to rot. But they didn't, and I left and went to South Dakota.

The Badlands is fucking amazing. I am going to have some incredible pictures of it. The geology is astounding. The Black Hills and Mt. Rushmore was cool too. Then I went to the town my grandfather was born in, Pierre (pronounced 'peer' not 'pee-air'). After a night in the town I saw the State Capitol building and left town.

Leaving a cop came up behind me and I pulled over to let him pass. He stops behind me and makes me get in his car, talks to me, sees if I'm drunk, lets me go because I hadn't done anything wrong. My lawyer says they stop anyone with California or Colorado plates. Then about fifteen minutes later my blood sugar gets low because of the stressful situation, I pass out, drive off the end of the highway into a field and fuck up my car and my head. Ambulance comes, I tell them I don't want to go to the hospital, they leave. Cops search the car and find 1/10th of a gram of coke that I had no idea was there, that someone left in my car, and I get arrested for Felony Posession, DUI, Paraphenalia (my insulin syringes), and Reckless Driving. I go to jail, they take blood an urine (which will come back clean except for my prescriptions which are legal. I was sober. So all the charges will get dropped once the blood tests come back. But anyway, I got stuck in the drunk tank for a couple of hours with three mexican dudes in there for public intoxication. Eventually they take me to a single cell. My blood sugar is low the whole time. They tell me to wave at the camera if I need sugar. I wave, scream, bang on the door for an hour, and they don't do anything. I lie down and have a seizure and they bring my a glass of milk. An hour later, same thing. Banging on the door for an hour, screaming. Seizure... glass of milk. They bring me food, put it through the door, and then come to tell me to come out to take my shot. They give it to me, I get back, and the foods gone. So they gave me insulin and no food. That gave me seizures. When I asked to go to the hospital before the first seizure, they said no, your lawyer will be here in a couple of hours and you'll get bailed out. I scream tell them they are idiots that they've never had a type I diabetic, that type I and II are totally different. They let me have two seizures even though I told them what was happening.

Jail sucks.

I'm going to get two years unsupervised probation for the posession charge, and then the felony will go off my record, and I'll just have an arrest record in South Dakota. Man I hate that place. All this shit happened and I had no idea I even had the shit. My drug test will come back clean, but I'll still be a felon, I just won't have the DUI. I was happy for the first time in years on this trip. I'm still happy. I flew to Boston, and I've been here a week. I'm going to New York tomorrow, then to Philadelphia, then to Providence, then back here for 4th of July, then back to South Dakota for my first court date, then back to California.

'Well I know I had it coming, I know I can�t be free, but those people keep a movin� and that�s what tortures me. Well if they�d free me from this prison, if that railroad train was mine, I bet I�d move just a little further down the line, far from Folsom prison, that's where I want to stay and I�d let that lonesome whistle blow my blues away.' ----'Folsom Prison Blues' by Johnny Cash


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[State Penitentiary] - [08.27.05] . [8:15 p.m.]
[Prison? They'd eat me alive.] - [07.28.05] . [10:49 a.m.]
[just watch him die] - [07.25.05] . [7:00 p.m.]
[Used To Know You] - [07.24.05] . [3:40 p.m.]
[Well I Know I Had It Coming, I Know I Can't Be Free] - [06.26.05] . [2:33 p.m.]

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