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All Or Nothing


[03.01.02]-[12:01 a.m.]

Wow, my timing is impeccible. (How do you spell that word? I've never seen it written.) It is 12:01am Friday morning. I did not go to Popscene tonight, though I thought I was going to. But I had fun playing cards with some kids in my house.

I got laid last night, and it was great. I am blunt, and that, alas, is not so great.

I did get the funniest porno in the mail today, called 'Butt Boys In Space,' I shit you not. I found a porn DVD rental service, and couldn't resist with a name like that. I'm not big into pornography, but this is fucking funny. Doug and I watched it tonight. (And no, it's not like that with Doug, and we don't masturbate. I didn't get it for those purposes.)

Work is going pretty well. I get paid tomorrow, but rent is also due, so basically, I don't get shit. That's annoying. But I will get three paychecks in March, so that means an extra $700 that isn't tied to rent, utilities or my budget (which is based on two $700 paychecks a month). I'm still going to kill my bosses. But maybe I'll make it less brutal and savage now. They aren't being too psychotic. Either that, or maybe I'm just getting used to it. Oh shit. God I hope I'm never as nuts as they are. Then again, maybe I am. I got five different polka dot ties at Bargain Barn for 30 cents, so I have worn a different one each day to work. It's been amusing. They are all reasonably ugly, but I saved the ugliest one for tomorrow, Friday. It is a stunningly ugly blue tie with white polka dots (small ones), and it is shocking. I had a sort of funny experience trying to get it flat too, since we don't have an iron. I stuck it in a vegetable steamer and stuck in on the stove over boiling water. The results are mixed. My tie is soaking, but more wrinkle free than it previously was. Still, I think a clothes iron might be a valuable investment for our house. It seemed a little silly seeing my tie on the stove.

My viewfinder came, and it seems to work perfectly. The screen looks amazing too. Both are superbly clean. I don't have my camera back from the shop to actually test it, but I get it on Saturday. Yipee! I'm so excited. It's been almost four weeks since I've shot a roll of film with a camera other than a Holga. I love my Holga, but I want my fuckin' Hassy back. I'm sounding like such a stupid pretentious photo kid. And I fucking hate them.

Life is good. It's too short, but it's good. Time is passing like no man's business. I don't do much, but I have a whole lot of fun doing it. I can't wait for nothing to change. Only, I want to go to school. And I want to move to NYC, or maybe to Portland, or to Berkeley to go to school and do something a bit more typically productive than what I am doing now. This is valuable experience, and I regret nothing of it, but I am getting ready to move on. And I'm excited, damn excited, about the future. Fucking wide eyed youth, I am.

'We're wide eyed kids, won't matter what we do. We're only wide eyed kids. We didn't fake it then, we know just where we stand. We're just wide eyed kids!' ----'Wide Eyed Kids' by The Reducers

Oh yeah, I'm done with rehab/counseling forever. Graduated or something. And I'm set to go back to NYU with my counselor's letter and a letter myself. Unless I get into Columbia. I need to ask Tilda and Dan to write me some recomendations, and I need to do that now. Fuck, I keep forgetting.


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