[Diaryland] [Fuck Me, Please] [Past Glory] [Latest Flavor/Error]

All Or Nothing


[06.26.03]-[2:56 a.m.]

Hurray for Texas! Yay, I can legally fuck my boyfriend. Only not. Yes, the Supreme Court ruled that sodomy cannot be outlawed for us homosexuals. So, it's still illegal for me and Dexter, but it's not for that reason. But I'm not going to go into that. So yeah, I'm in the middle of reading the court ruling, and it's pretty damn interesting. This is one more step in the fight for gay marriage, equality, and being viewed as normal and legal and healthy!

I've been working pretty hard to learn HTML to work on my template. It's interesting, time consuming, and not particularly exciting.

What else.... I had a phone argument with my parents, and we had a sit-down 'talk,' yesterday, about our relationship, my health, my goals, and our inability to interact peacefully. It was helpful that I had therapy just before we met. We decided that we are not going to talk about my health, my pharmaceutical use, or my doctors unless absolutely necessary, because we all realized our interactions have gotten stuck in the rut of only talking about my fucking nerve damage, addiction to opiate pharmaceuticals, withdrawl, or panic disorder's treatment with the use of benzodiazepine muscle relaxants.

So we patched things up quite nicely.

Losing my 100 Gig harddrive a few weeks ago really sucks. It had something to do with the version of Photoshop I downloaded, crashed the harddrive, and I couldn't fix it. So I bought a new one, and I've been spending a godawful amount of time ripping my CD collection to iTunes. And I lost a lot of music that I downloaded - I haven't even started trying to replace that shit. But worst of all, I lost a lot of written material, essays and stories and the like that cannot be replaced or which will involve much retyping from a hardcopy. I lost quite a bit of material that I have no copies of. That makes me very, VERY sad.

Dexter and I have been getting along quite nicely lately, I believe. We've been working through our issues. Occasionally an oral fight will ensue, but these have been few and far between lately. Although, they always involve harsh realities expressed that we try to keep hidden from ourselves at any other time.

We went to see Le Tigre a few nights ago. Other than the fact that my blood sugar was super super super high, and I feared ketoacidosis greatly, it was stellar. Now tonight we are seeing Blonde Redhead, and Babyland is playing this weekend. Rock!

I miss Chester.

I love you.

'Where we're coming from, yeah, will be the death of us. And I cannot help but hold on to a handful of times when what was spoken was a revolution in itself, and what we were doing was the only thing that mattered. And how good it felt to kill the memory of nights spent holding your shirt for the smell. I heard you used to cry when you made love to him. But this band will play on because all we can do is what we've always done. And on and on and on...' ----'We Laugh At Danger (and Break All The Rules)' by Against Me!


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[State Penitentiary] - [08.27.05] . [8:15 p.m.]
[Prison? They'd eat me alive.] - [07.28.05] . [10:49 a.m.]
[just watch him die] - [07.25.05] . [7:00 p.m.]
[Used To Know You] - [07.24.05] . [3:40 p.m.]
[Well I Know I Had It Coming, I Know I Can't Be Free] - [06.26.05] . [2:33 p.m.]

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