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All Or Nothing


[2001-11-18]-[2:58 a.m.]

Good day. New day. New shoes (Diesel). New gloves (Diesel, and another unknown brand that I stole from another store). New CD (The Strokes). New 12" (7M6M4 split). New rug for my room, under my chair (Urban Outfitters, I know, but it's neet-o). New book (Mysteries of Pittsburgh by Michael Chabon). New plans....

I start work tomorrow. I'm damn excited to be starting a shitty job that doesn't pay enough. As long as I am going to get paid for doing something, I'll be happy. Really damn happy. (I can bet you after tomorrow I will just bitch bitch bitch about having to work, but I will remain happy about it until then.)

I went to see the Harry Potter movie with Scotty and my parents on Friday. I'll save my critique for another forum and just say that I had a great time with my family, and I love Scotty more and more every day. And I enjoyed the movie, despite the fact that I oppose the idea of the movie on the grounds that it will never do the book justice. Wait, I'm trying to restrain my diatribe. Sorry. I had a great time. Now that I don't see my parents as much, I like them a lot more. I respect them more anyway. Although, my mother was sort of annoyed at me. I decided to get pierced yesterday, and she doesn't like 'self-mutilation,' as she calls it. But hey, I told her I understood her concerns, but I did not come home to be lectured. She understood, and we agreed to disagree, as cheesy as that sounds. My mother is great. She cooked dinner for us, and was so damn excited about the movie. It made me so happy to see her so thrilled about something, and about doing it with me and Scotty.

I woke up in Scotty's arms this morning, and felt so good about our relationship, about my life. He really is great for me, not to mention my self-esteem. I feel so safe when he's around. He's on his way over now. I went shopping alone today, and let him run some errands. Then I saw Caitlin, and she looked skinny as fuck, and she has pneumonia. Is the adjective for the disease 'pneumatic'? Doesn't that only refer to drills? I pondered this question with her today over (cheap) sushi. It was great. She really cheers me up sometimes, and I started today out pretty damn cheery. Then I went to see Death Cab For Cutie with Scotty and a bunch of his friends. I had a mortal fear of running into people I know from the city that I just didn't want to see (scared to see?). I don't know who, Chris maybe, Morgan, Megan, any number of other friends and aquaintances that I sort of dread seeing for all the bullshit questions we trade back and forth.... 'how's it going? what you been up to? give me a call sometime. sure, sure sure sure, we're friends friends friends. fuck off I hate you.' You know, those kinds of people. That description does not refer to the list of poeple, necessarily. But I only ran into one guy, James, from the Exploratorium, and I don't mind seeing him. My misplaced fear got the better of me, though. My fears tend to do that to me. I worry about it sometimes.

But I can't let anything fuck me up tonight. I got a new pair of shoes, so fuck yeah, I'll get up in the morning and be a wreck from sleep deprivation and sexual exhaustion and go to work a happy fucking kid.

'I got a new pair of shoes and I'm putting them on. I got a new pair of shoes and I'm better than you. Got a new pair of shoes and I'm better than you. New pair of shoes!!!!' ----'New Pair Of Shoes' by The Briefs


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