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All Or Nothing


[08.07.03]-[1.42 a.m.]

so anywayz, let's get down to buziness. i'm playing riven with dexter right now. he says i should write about him. no he doesn't. that would make him sound dumb. it doesn't really matter since most likely this all will end up private. ever since that dumbfuck threatened me. i got out of the hospital last week and i was feeling great in the joint, but the last few days i've been really down. some great moments were contained therein, but mostly i've been really depressed. i told my dad i might need some help, i.e. hospitalization. i haven't really been able to figure out if i meant it, but since i felt like saying it, i'm sort of assuming it was at least true at that moment, that i was at least thinking about it. but i don't think i need it, though i have been really down and sleeping a lot, and having really bad nightmares.

i've been dreaming every night about dexter and his dad and it's fucking getting to me. it hurts me, i wake up in a cold sweat, arms around him so tight i'm surprised i'm not squeezing him to death. he hates that i think about his father sometimes, or that i believe it to be a part of my life. i think he just wishes i'd forget about it and never ask about it or mention it again. but i can't. the nightmares won't let me, and i just can't.

but i'll be okay. i really will. i think D will be too. he's stronger than he knows. he's smarter too. much stronger and much smarter than i am. immeasurably more creative too. but enough aggrandization of the boyfriend. i love him, i guess that's what i'm trying to say. sometimes it comes out as more of a scream and a curse, but sometimes we both say it nice and soft like we should, and we've been doing that more often than not lately. and that makes me feel right.

i thought i was quitting the diary, but for some reason i can't convince myself it's worth it. it seems like that would just validate the cunt's efforts at intimidation, or whatever it is he's trying to get at. i still can't bring myself to go back through and make public all the entries, and i don't really want to either. they were available for a long time, and if you didn't get them yet, you probably never had any interest in seeing them anyway. [if i'm wrong, i'll e-mail you a downloaded entire diary, just send me an e-mail.]

i'm getting ready to sleep now, it's getting late. dexter and i have been playing riven for hours now, and we're both getting groggy. his friend is staying with us for another night, and it's cool, because she's nice, even if she does prevent us from exploring each other in new and improving ways which i'll refrain from mentioning in specific terms. but honestly... actually, i don't think i want to write that down. you never know who you can trust anymore. that's what i seem to have learned from my diary-commenter's act.

even calculus lies, from time to time. can anyone tell me why int[x^(-1)] (-n,n) isn't zero, if as has been proven int[x^(-1)] (-n,n) = int[x^(-1)] (-n,0) + int[f(x)] (0,n). so isn't the first of these last two pieces -infinity, and the second +infinity. basic elemntary knowledge of rules of infinity tells you this sum is undefined, but in the specific case of the integral basic geometry will tell you that these two infinities are just the opposite of the other, or (-1)(the other). In other words, they are the same infinity with the opposite sign. So they must add up to zero. if you graph the integral it is obvious that it should be zero, but when you break it up, as has been shown in step two above, these two sums are not defined, because x^(-1) is undefined at x=0, so any integral that contains this point is also undefined. but this is stupid, because in the one case (-n,n) it is obviously zero. damnit this is a fucking catch 22. calculus lies. even calculus lies.


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