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All Or Nothing


[05.15.02]-[10:27 p.m.]

IWell, I haven't written for a while. My writing has been sporadic at best. I haven't written in real diary in ages. I should start. I have been taking photographs though. That is sort of diary-like. For me anyway, it is.

I will likely need surgery on my knee. I finally went to a doctor on Tuesday, and he said I likely tore my miniscus. That's the cartilage around the inside of the knee. It's wierd you can hear it click when I bend my knee. So I got an MRI today and that sucked because I had to take off the bike chain I've had around my wrist since the last MRI I had. This wasn't too bad though. But the doctor was nice, and he said I will likely need a very simple arthroscopic procedure and I can recover in time to go to Europe and walk and everything. In the meantime I'm taking some muscle relaxents to ease the pain in my other side from stressing it too much. I'm not taking pain killers, because I don't want to get strung out. Things are good otherwise.

Things with Scott are good. I'm getting ready to go to Europe, and that's exciting, and scary. And I'm planning out a drive across the country at the end of the summer. That's difficult to do, because I don't know exactly where I want to see, but I'm mulling the possibilities over in my head. I'm thinking north to Boise, through Nevada, then east through Idaho, where I plan on meeting River Pheonix from My Own Private Idaho, then south through Wisconson to Colorado, Denver, then east through Kansas, all of it, to Kansas City where I have a family friend I can stay with. Then I go north-east to Chicago, then to Cleveland, the rest of Ohio, Pittsburgh, through New Jersey and then to NYC. That's my plan so far. We'll see how it changes.

And fuck assholes. I'm so sick of hearing about old friends being dicks. Two kids I went to middle school with, who were pretty good friends of mine till they decided I wasn't cool because I didn't listen to rap and techno and fuck girls, well, I heard they got arrested for having a bunch of shit to sell at a rave. That sucks. One of the guys' father was on the Berekeley PD, so either he'll be able to get out of it because of it, or they'll make an example out of him, about how no special circumstances, everyone's treated the same. I hope they don't get in too much trouble, whether they were dicks to me or not. Jail sucks. Too many kids I know lately have been ending up in jail. What's up with the Spring, dude? It seems to fuck people over. Not me though. I'm just grand. I'm reading less than I should. I think I've been reading Cometbus a lot, and slowly making my way through A Confederacy Of Dunces, but I have been waiting to start this Patrick Marber play until I finish it, and I haven't made the time. I guess getting a video game system was a bad idea. I don't play much, but the time I do play tends to be my former reading time. Oh well.

Ain't life super? Scotty's doing well. I love him. Sex is good. LA sucks, went there last weekend to shoot head shots of my brother's ex girlfriend. Went shopping with Scotty too, it was cool, but LA is fucking odd.

I was thinking about old friends lately. It's so ancient past. I think about Daniel but him I'm still friends with. Ellen too. But there's so many kids I just don't talk to anymore. I think about Chris some. Lots of kids I don't want to talk to, lots who don't want to talk to me. And lots more who I'm still friends with who I don't talk to enough. This is rather ethereal, I think I'll leave it vague, both in my mind and on paper (screen).

Anyway, time to take a cyclobenzaprine and go to sleep. Good night.

'Transparent people running all around you.... But I got a new perspective on you. All that couldn't matter that we went through. I know you better than you know you, because I got a new perspective on you.' -----'Black Derby Jacket' by Rancid


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