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All Or Nothing


[2001-08-28]-[3:42 p.m.]

What can I say? I'm in New York City. It's not the East Bay. That's for sure. I got here on Friday. I happened to be on a plane with a girl I know who was returning to school. It was nice. My brother is here on tour with his band, so on Saturday night we went and partied with Apphia and Mer at the hotel he's staying at. We nearly got kicked out of another hotel. We averted disaster by running for dear life when hotel security caught us shooting fire extinguishers off the roof of the 50 story building. We left the beer up there though, and when Ben and I went back up to get it, the moment we stepped to the top of the stairs the a security person opened the door from the roof and we fled the scene. It was fun.

I miss Scotty. I miss him so much. Frank sent me pictures of Scotty, Britt, Frank and I. When I saw him in the pictures I almost cried. I don't cry emotionally very often, but I've been drying my eyes a lot lately when I think about him and how fucking lucky I am to have met him and stayed with him. This is going to be hard. I talked to him yesterday, but I want to talk to him again. I don't have anything important to say, but I still want to talk to him. Just to hear him. Damnit.

I moved in yesterday. It went smoothly. It was actually a lot easier than I expected. My roommate seems cool. What are the chances: he's gay. I guess at NYU that's not that out of the ordinary, but I'm really glad I didn't get a roommate that's going to freak when Scotty sleeps with me. Jim (my roommate) and I talked about things. And it will be cool when either of our lovers comes to visit.

My Dad left this morning. My brother is gone now. My friends from home don't get out here till later in the week or next week. I'm surrounded by people, but I'm feeling surprisingly alone. I'm making friends okay. I found a few kids from summer orientation that seem cool, and I've been spending time with them. But it's so strange to be forced into relationships with people, to live with people even, that you don't share that platonic bond like I share with my friends back home. It's a wierd feeling.

I wrote all that yesterday. Now I may be getting kicked out housing and possibly suspended from school. I am depressed. I made a bad decision and it might affect the rest of my life. Good night.

'I never felt like this before. I say that every hour. It's never gonna be like it could have been. Now it's just this room. Window looks back. You're a big part of it.' ----'Ache' by Jawbreaker


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