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All Or Nothing


[12.05.02]-[5:43 p.m.]

Wow, today is not a California day. Berkeley is a long way away, on days like this. It's pretty. Really nice. But it's cold, and snowing. We don't have snow in Berkeley, and not like I haven't seen it before, but it's still weird to be living in it. That, I've never done before. It's always been a vacation when I saw snow before. This is not vacation. This is get-to-class-in-the-fucking-snow-without-slipping-onto-your-ass.

So I've been chatting with Adam about old friends and enemies and it makes you think. It really does. No, it makes ME think. Makes me remember old times. I wasn't very content with the present ever before. I'm doing pretty decent now if you think about it. I'm enjoying looking at the snow from my window. I'm not smoking. I'm going home in a few weeks, and I'm passing all my classes. I smiled today. I just smiled. I'm usually pretty stoic. Nothing made me smile, I just did. That's a nice feeling.

They money isn't getting me down that much either. I'm broke, but not so bad that I'm not going to eat. I mean, sure, I'm only going to eat bread and pasta, but that's not so bad. It's only for a few more weeks. Then I'll get some more money, and I'll start the cycle all over again. Only I'll manage better this time around.

I promise.

Don't need to think about old friends. Friends that don't give a fuck anymore. Ex-boyfriends. I hate when these fucks pop into my head. I just wonder where they are, what they're up to. What trouble they're getting in, what girls they're dating, what boys they're dating. You know, just some people that I used to know.

'So when I go home I'll be happy to go. You're just somebody that I used to know.' ----'Somebody That I Used To Know' by Elliott Smith


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