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All Or Nothing


[2001-05-07]-[2:18 p.m.]

It's Monday, and I don't have a whole lot to say today. Yesterday was work as usual. I had to work late, till 8:00 p.m. That sucked, but I'm getting paid for a lot more hours than I actually ended up working. I'm still pissed about the alien thing on Saturday, but that's not the end of the world. I'm so excited about Shannon. Today was slightly disconcerting, just because she didn't talk to me as much as I would have hoped. But we did talk a little bit. She is so awesome. I'm so attracted to her. IT'S SO FUCKING WIERD. Me, a girl, sex, no dick dude (that's the line my first boyfriend used on me the first time I tried to get into his pants, HA!), long blond hair, all this fucking shit is so damn wierd for me. I just sit back and laugh, listening to summer music, because it feels so much like summer right now. I wake up late, go to school at noon, go to one class then sit in the sun reading a good book, and thinking about boys and a special girl. I just hope she can be MY special girl soon enough. She's also moving to New York next year to go to the same school as my wife, Laura. So we would be togethor next year too, if it works out. I just cross my fingers and dream and wish and hope and make a fucking ounce of effort to get what I dream for. Who knows? Maybe some day soon it will work. Even if it doesn't, it won't be too bad. I think we will still be friends even if I crash and burn. Maybe that's a self fulfilling prophecy, but either way it will work out in my favor. I love situations where I can't fucking lose.

I haven't seen Chris today, but I was thinking about him a little bit. I really wish we could be closer, but at the same time I don't know if I really will ever be happy with our friendship. It's never going to be what I want, and it will never even be close. I don't even mean a relationship. I mean that it will never be a friendship like I want to have with those that I'm close to. Or at least it never will be if he continues to be so busy, so uncaring, so fucking popular, and 'emo' without having any fucking emotion about our relationship. And it's more than that. Unless I stop being such a fucking dick about it, it won't work to my satisfaction. I really am kind of mean about it when our plans fail (which is what usually happens when we make plans). The kids I'm close to, the friends I have, I don't have to fucking persuade to do something for two hours between seeing other people. I hope he doesn't read this, because it's written a lot harsher than I mean it. I want friendship that's closer than he's willing to have, or at least closer than he has the energy for. That's not his fault, it's just frustrating. I love him, but I hate him for it. (Note: immediately after writing this Christopher asked me if I wanted to play tennis tomorrow, and I actually believe he may even stick to these plans! I feel like a dick now for saying all that shit, but it's still true, or at least it was at the time.)

Someone was writing about how they were going to make a crush list, and I decided to do the same. Here's all the fuckng kids I can think of off hand, and many of them go back years and years. I don't know too many of these kids any more: Shannon, Alex, Grant, Nick, the other Nick, one more Nick, Grant, Brent, Chris, Matt, Caitlin, Shawn, Mike, Paul, Conrad, Dan, Daniel, Jeff, Marc, Mark, Alex (the other one), Mike, Blake, Brady, Billy (Idol), Todd, Steven, Gib (maybe), David, Jay, I can't fucking do this. I'll add the rest later. There's just too many fucking memories. Too many crushes I never did anything about. I've grown up so much in the last year. I don't have any more real crushes where I don't even try. I don't make friends with the kids I like, I actually go for it now. I make it clear fromt he beginning that it's more than friendship I want. If it ends in disaster, so fucking what? I tried, and that's what's important. I feel so good even when I fail now. I think that I'm growing up. It sounds so damn cheesy, but it's what's true for me today. I feel so much older than I did a year ago, strung out on heroin, staring at boys I knew I would never get, getting with guys I didn't like just because I was lonely, and being fucking angry, dumb, and miserable. Even though I have tough times now, it's not the same. I don't go get a ten dollar fix, and feel so good on the surface for three hours before getting another ten dollar fix to try and cover up any damn thing I felt. No emotion, no pain, but at the same time feeling so bad. I got beaten. But it's over, and I'm never going back.

I'm looking forward to this. I'm scared. I'm nervous and anxious. I don't know how to say it. I'm trying though, and that's all that matters. And if it ends in disaster, I'll find another fucking crush to actually do something about.

'I would listen to your heart. I would start back at the start. There are things I'd like to say, so many things I'd like to change.' ----'You're Having The Time Of My Life' by Jets To Brazil


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