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All Or Nothing


[04.20.02]-[1:18 p.m.]

It's Saturday, and I waver between being really excited about everything and really worried about everything. I find myelf wondering, sometimes, what is worth the effort, and what is just prolonging the inevitable. And, if it is inevitable, is it okay to prolong it for as long as possible because I like it most of the time. And is it most of the time?

Scotty and I are finalizing our plans for Europe this summer. It's annoying and frustrating planning things, and worrying about money and shit, but I am confident that it will go well, and will benefit our relationship immeasurably. I sure hope so. Our relationship bounces between being really amazingly great and being abstinant, boring, jealous and compulsive. I try to keep it in the first category as much as possible. And I succeed sometimes too. He does too. This relationship is trying at times, but worth it. He is really an amazing guy. I am too, I think. I think we are worth it.

I don't come home too much anymore. I am always away, at work, at Scott's or at the darkroom. I haven't slept at home really in a month, save one or two occasions.

I am reading again. I stopped for a few weeks, caught up in other shit. But I started again, and damn!, the book that Nick Hornby edited with Eggers story and a bunch of other great stories, is DAMN GOOD. I bought A Confederacy Of Dunces too, which I have yet to start. I am currently finishing the two stories in McSweeny's that I never got around ot reading because they were too long. Books are good. Ha, isn't that in impersonal, unimportant, boring statement that is resoundingly true?

I am finally living up to my political advice and getting my fucking bike so that I'm not that idiot that drives one mile (downhill) to work every fucking day. I have a huge stack of photo paper sitting in my closet too, that is waiting for light to hit it and Mini-Hal to process it. Hal is still broken, but Mini-Hal is doing great. I haven't used the Fujimoto, but I have gone in there when others are using him, and he seems okay. The blacks are slightly blue sometimes, but I think that can be rectified by printing warmer.

Borning shit boring shit boring shit.

I'll get down to the grit:

I tried rimming for the first time last weekend (that's what I was alluding to, previously). It was surprisingly un-gross. I liked it. Not too bad. I want to fuck tonight. I am vulgar and disgusting. Scott thinks so too, I think.

Mommy is coming to visit today, and she's bringing said bicycle and some warm tone black and white photo paper that's been sitting in my brother's room for three years waiting for me to start printing black and white again.

I need to write letters to NYU now. Diary, I miss you.

'A common line, I closed my eyes but couldn't let it go. The perfect time, I dropped my guard, and lost but won somehow.' ----'Choke' by The Cardigans.


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