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All Or Nothing


[11.24.02]-[11:56 a.m.]

I wrote one earlier today that was sad. This is really boring survey I took because I wanted to wipe away the unhappy entry. This is really stupid:

1. What's the third letter in your name? U

2. What's the worst band you ever saw live? Damn, there's so many. Probably (yes, I'm embaressed) Rage Against The Machine

3. What's the name of a good chinese place in your area? Mee Noodle Shop

4. what's on your feet right now? Well, my pajamas are full body footy pajamas. So on my feet (and whole body) are bright red pajama feet with plastic bottoms.

5. Brady Bunch or Patridge Family? Don't have a TV, though from memory, probably Brady Bunch

6. Johnny Rotten or Sid Vicious? They are both assholes. Though Johnny Rotten even worse a scumbag. Plus Sid's hot. So definitely Sid. Hey, I was a junkie, was it hot like Sid?

7. Batman or Superman? Batman... AND Robin (stole the answer from someone else)

8. Elvis or James Brown? Elvis

9. Beatles or Rolling Stones? Beatles

10. How tall are you? 5'8'' ish

11. How many times did you sneeze today? Zero

12. How do you do? I'm having a pretty shitty day, thank you. And yourself?

13. How does the last book you read end? With an outdoor shower somewhere in Mexico after giving away 80,000 dollars (this is one book plus a chapter that wasn't actually included but was in a collection of chapters from books that were published together. Though the chapter wasn't actually published in the end of the book.)

14. Will you have kids? Yes, I think he (first of two) will be called Julian Alexander. I like that. Very regal, and beautiful.

15. Will this be your last journal entry for some odd week? I doubt it. When I'm upset I write more. I'm not doing so hot. So....

16. Will you enjoy the company of someone much older than you? Yes, I am going to visit someone much older than me on Thursday. And I'm staying till Sunay.

17. What was your screen name in

a. 2001- ChuckD987

b. 2000- ChuckD987

c. 1999- ChuckD987

18. Which are your favorite 3 journals to read? Ummm, my own, allornothing. terminator. peanutvendor.

19. When you look at yourself in the mirror, you say...? "What the fuck happened to you? Are you okay?"

20. Describe how the music of your favorite band makes you feel: contemplative.

21. Surveys are the best tool for procrastination! What should YOU be doing right now? Writing about Dante and his divinely uncomedic Divine Comedy (it's not actually so bad; I like it even.)

22. What is the shitty show that you watch alone in your room, secretely pleasured, but if you're at a friends house you just suffer in silence as they channel surf right by it? I don't have a television.

23. Name an item of clothing/accessory that you really regret wearing. The wooly mammoth hat I wore in Switzerland to piss Nick off. It's fuzzy black cotton fur with ear flaps and everything.

24. If you were a cartoon character, what would be your never-changing outfit? I'd probably be in a pair of tight narrow straight-legged jeans, a black button up short sleeve shirt and a grey tie.

25. Your name spelled backwards. nrocniW trebreH selrahC

26. Where were your parents born? Pennsylvania and Dallas, Texas

27. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? My roommate downloaded a song called 'Shitcanned.' The last thing I downloaded was some pornography.

28. What's your favorite restaurant? Nobu

29. Last time you swam in a pool? Two months ago.

30. Have you ever been in a school play? Unfortunately, yes. But I had a broken arm and I was 12. I don't think my character had much impact.

31. How many kids do you want? Two (Julien Alexander and I don't know the others name).

32. Type of music you dislike most? Emo

33. Are you registered to vote? Of course. I registered Socialist.

34. Do you have cable? Only connected to my computer

35. Have you ever ridden on a moped? Yeah, in Roma. My ex-boyfriend owns one now, and I'm so jealous.

36. Ever prank call anybody? Didn't every male in Middle School?

37. Ever get a parking ticket? I can't even count how many the fucking government has given me for taking up there space.

38. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? Is this an either/or? Yes, I would do both, though I would rather skydive.

39. Furthest place you ever traveled. Czech Republic

40. Do you have a garden? Ha, that's funny. In New York City.

41. What's your favorite comic strip? Bloom County. I love Opus. And Bill is my mentor and teacher.

42. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem? I don't know the first ten.

43. Bath or Shower, morning or night? Shower every morning. Bath's occasionally at night.

44. Best movie you've seen in the past month? at the theatre? or on my DVD? Theater: Story Of Ricky (Hong Kong action rocks! DVD: The Dangerous Lives Of Alter Boys

45. Favorite pizza topping? Quattro Formaggio

46. Chips or popcorn? Popcorn.

47. What color lipstick do you usually wear? Well, the few times I have, it's always been a deep dark red.

48. Have you ever smoked peanut shells? This is getting ridiculous.

49. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? I've never pretended I was pretty. No.

50. Orange Juice or apple? Definitely apple.

51. Who was the last person you went out to dinner with and where did you dine? My cousin and my roommate and we went to Bond St. for sushi.

52. What is your favorite candy bar? I'm a diabetic, you assholes.

53. When was the last time you voted at the polls? My mother forged my vote two weeks ago.

54. Last time you ate a homegrown tomato? In Santa Cruz this last Summer.

55. Have you ever won a trophy? I was eigth in the state in gymnastics at one point. So yes, I have.

56. Are you a good cook? I like to pretend I am, and occasionally pretentions are accurate.

57. Do you know how to pump your own gas? Who the fuck doesn't?

58. Ever order an article from an infomercial? No

59. Sprite or 7-up? Again, I'm diabetic. So, if I had to choose, Diet Sprite probably, but that is icky, don't ever drink it. It's better than Diet 7-Up though.

60. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work? Well, at the Exploratorium we wore these bright orange vests that said "Explainer" on it. Is that a uniform?

61. Last thing you bought at a pharmacy? Temazepam and Remeron

62. Ever throw up in public? I did heroin for years. I've thrown up in many many many public places. I've done it a bunch of times even off of heroin.

63. Would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love? Eek. True love? Money's tempting though.

64. Do you believe in love at first sight? No, looks aren't everything. They come first, sure, but then something has to follow.

65. Ever call a 1-900 number? In Middle School we called one of the porn one's once at a party. But it was a straight one, so I don't even think it should count. So no.

66. Can ex's be friends? I sure hope so. I really really really fucking hope so.

67. Who was the last person you visited in a hospital? My cousin who severed his spinal cord.

68. Did you have a lot of hair when you were a baby? I don't remember. Do you?

69. What message is on your answering machine? I don't know. I let Adam deal with the answering machine. No one ever calls for me.

70. What's your all time favorite Saturday Night Live Character? Yeah, definitely Craig the Cheerleader.

71. What was the name of your first pet? Godzilla.

72. What is in your purse? In my backpack*, I have three books by Dante, a book by Stephen Dixon, a book by Tobias Wolfe, a book called American Skin by some author I don't remember, a bunch of school books, and a graphing calculator, and assorted pharmaceuticals including aspirin, Remeron, Temazepam, Ambien, and maybe some Xanax left too.

73. Favorite thing to do before bedtime? Read Read READ

74. What is one thing you are grateful for today? Scott

no quote from a song for this entry. the last entry was from me, this is from bullshit.


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