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All Or Nothing


[07.18.02]-[12:10 p.m.]

So: I am in Berkeley. It is good. I have little to do today, so I think I am going to go see Frank, kick it old school. JT Leroy never e-mailed me back, it made me sad. I haven't written in a long fucking time. 11 days, to be precise. Things I've done:

-been to the beach twice, boardwalk rollercoasters once

-been to Berkeley two or three times, nothing in particular exciting


-Went to Gilman St. for the first time in ages and saw Max and Daniele.

so how about something interesting. and now for something completely different:

thinking about moving soon. trying to convince the folks that a) it is better for me to take the road trip and drive to New York City and b) it is in my best interests to live in this apartment on e. 13th in the village than to live in fucking college dorms. i am going to do both.

don't want to talk too much about it here, but Scotty and I talked about what will happen when I move. What will happen to 'us.' everything is on good terms. i love him. the future makes me sad though. definitely sad. humblingly sad. never like this before. never mattered before. i look at photographs from Praha and know: I will miss you. I will fucking miss what we have right now. that is not a bad thing to know, that I will be sad. I will be. That makes it mean something more in the present, to me. and it does mean something. My selective use of capital letters reflects the infinite speed that these contemplations pass through my head. MY FUYCKING HEAD. My head is on tightly today, I think. I got a new pair of glasses yesterday. I like them, but I was saddened to realize that although I can afford the frames, and Carl Zeiss glass lenses, I could not justify another 50 bucks for Zeiss anti-reflective coating similar to the T* coating on my beautiful Zeiss lenses for my Hasselblad. Oh well. I will pick up the new look next week. I wish i wasn't such a superficial bastard. For a registered Socialist, I sure am a big consumer. Maybe I'm just an asshole and a liar.

I don't think so though.

I volunteered to help out 826 Valencia, because I am in love with Dave Eggers and I think his Pirate Store and teaching is incredible.

I have been reading a lot, and looking forward to missing home. To missing Scott. Photographs leave trace memories for me to analyze, and it sucks. And it rocks.

and i sitll love photographs. love....

'Time it was, and what a time it was. It was a time of innocence, a time of confidences. Long ago, it must be, I have a photograph. Preserve your memories; they're all that's left you.' ----'Bookends Theme' by Simon and Garfunkel


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