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All Or Nothing


[2001-06-06]-[5:11 p.m.]

Damn do I feel good. I'm not even drunk. I actually feel good. It's fucking summer. It's so nice out, and no one is going to bring me down. I had my last bit of work for school today, and I am so ready for next week. Boys can go to hell. I don't care if I can't get a good one. I don't need one. Well, I'd sure like one, but fuck it. I'm having fun.

I went to a barbecue yesterday evening with my brother. It was fun. Sat around with a bunch of jocks and fratboys and my brother's band drinking beer, ignoring my Biblical Lit. final that I took this afternoon. I did well on the final, despite my frivolity last night (I actually didn't drink much, but 'frivolity' sounds good.) I decided that after the final, I deserved to skip work this evening. I came home, and I'm just going to be serene all evening and make this mixed tape for Mr. Steele (I think that's how you spell it anyway). I really love that boy. Not love like that. I like him like that, but I love him in that, 'Wow, you rock!' kind of way. That made no sense at all. Oh well. This tape is going to be really good. I'm not convinced he'll like it, but I sure do. I have a hard time picturing Max listening to The Smiths. He's not dark and brooding enough for it. Or maybe he is. I don't know. I see what I want to see.

I don't really know what else to say today. I'm doing well. I'm reading a lot of good books. I'm still trying to decide how I want to get to Portland next week. School's dead. I'm going to Popscene tomorrow with some silly girls in my class. Boy, are they gonna feel out of place. I can't say I'm not going to enjoy that sight.

'Because if it's not Love, then it's the Bomb that will bring us togethor.' ----'Ask' by The Smiths


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