[Diaryland] [Fuck Me, Please] [Past Glory] [Latest Flavor/Error]

All Or Nothing


[11.16.03]-[4:17 p.m.]

I've been suicidal. Hanging. I have two water pipes that hang above our apartment. I don't know how to tie a noose, but I've been figuring I could find it out on the all knowing internet. I sound like such a chump - so clich�e, but I don't really give a fuck. I think two people have read this in the last six months, so fuck em, I'll sound like a moron anyway. I want to die. I really do. I crashed mum's car - again. I've crashed every car my parent's have owned since I've been sixteen. I want to hang myself (as opposed to other self destructive means) for two reasons. One: I can think of very few other ways of going through with it. I actually could knock the chair over and die. Two: I want to die with a hard-on. From what I understand, when you hang yourself, your dick gets hard.

Sounds reasonable?

I just haven't figured out a way of not hurting Dexter when I do it. It would really fucking devestate him. I can't have him find me. Anyone want to volunteer to find a dead guy? I'll give you keys to my house and tell you when. Better yet, anyone want to help kill me? Take some of the pressure off me in terms of following through?

I sound like I'm twelve, but I'm dead fucking serious. No pun intended.

I doubt I'll actually do it. I mean, the biggest reason I am so inclined is that I am a failure at almost everything I try. I fuck up everyone's life. I never make anything better. And this would just epitomize that feeling. I would just fuck everyone's life up that much more. But it would end. It would stop. Everyone, my friends, family, wouldn't have to deal wiht my crises anymore. I think, honestly, that they would realize how much easier life is without me. I add nothing to the world, and I don't think things will ever get better. But I really don't think I have the guts.

I want to have sex with Dexter right now, and I know I'm probably not going to be able to. One more reason to do it: my lack of a sex life.


I turn 21 on Thursday. I might do it on Thursday. Seems like a beautiful day to die. But I doubt it. I'll just keep putting one foot in front of the other and everything will keep getting worse. That's how it always goes.




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