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All Or Nothing


[01.09.02]-[9:37 p.m.]

Fuck. I'm good. I want to get a letter from Tilda. And I want my fucking boyfriend to stop playing Starcraft and get his computer-addicted ass over here. We are going to see movie tonight (if he gets here in time). I wanted to have sex before movie, but somehow I don't think that is in the realm of possibility. Oh well. Fuck libidos, dude. DUDE!

I am feeling sort of broke. I bought a bookcase at IKEA and I feel broke now. I feel tidy (my room looks immeasurably better), but still broke. I want to keep a minimum balance of one months rent, but I think I'm about to fall below that, and I don't get paid for another week. FUCK.

But in better news: the most amazing book reading is happening on Friday. Yes, Dave Eggers and Michael Chabon are reading together at A Clean Well-Lighted Place For Books! Beat that shit, dude. DUDE! The only way to make that better would be to bring Kafka and Dostoevsky back from the dead, or bring Eggers' and Chabons' Bay Area friend David Sedaris along. Who knows, maybe they will. At any rate, enough rambling, all I'm saying is that I am fucking excited about it. Those two are my two favorite authors at the moment. They'll only sign books bought at the store, because it is a benefit for a bookstore in Denver that is fighting laws, but I don't give a fuck. I've already got my D.E. book signed and I don't mind getting another copy of Kavalier and Klay. I already sort of gave my other one to Doug, because I wanted him to read it so badly. I realize this is incredibly boring.

Dinner with Apphia. She was talking about this guy, and it made me sort of want to go in a K-hole. I haven't doen K since middle school, and I didn't really like it then. It was so fucking strange then, but I still sort of want to get that incredibly, uncontrolably fucked up as I was on k in eighth grade. That was the first time I shot drugs, I think. Hmm, scary memories. I'm not going to do it though. Passing fancies for something I never really liked int he first place don't suit me well.

Oooh, I think Scotty is here. Rock on.

'In this place it seems like such a shame. Though it all looks different now, I know it's still the same. Everywhere I look you're all I see. Just a fading, fucking reminder of who I used to be. I just want something I can never have.' ----'Something I Can Never Have' by Nine Inch Nails (it's what I was listening to as I finished, and it's the line that played right when I was getting ready to write, and it's rather fitting, isn't it?)


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