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All Or Nothing


[2001-07-28]-[1:30 p.m.]

I'm sorry I haven't been writing as much lately. I usually write in the morning, but lately I haven't been sleeping alone and it makes it tough to sit down and write (either in this box or my real journal). I told him yesterday that I need some time alone today to write. He said, 'of course!.' It was cute. Our sex life rocks (to me, anyway).

I'm going to see some cool photo show tonight at Fort Mason. It's all these amazing, inspirational photographers. Imogen Cunningham (sp?), Weegee, and lots of depression era, WPA photographers. I'm looking forward to it in a big way. Laura and Caitlin and I, and maybe Nick and Scotty will come too, are going to go.

I'm thinking about going to punk soccer tomorrow. I'm sort of scared to. I want to though. I want to see Mike. I want Laura and Scotty to go. I even sort of want to see Chris. I don't really know why. I like not thinking about him as much. I like that I feel actually sort of comfortable in the situation as it is. But I also sort of want to see him. I haven't heard anything about him for a while. I want to know if he gets it, yet. It's sick. It's not sadistic, really. I just want to see him grow up. I really do. I've said it all before, really. I don't need to say it again. Basically, very few things would make me happier than seeing Chris stop acting like such an immature asshole. Then again, I'm jaded. I really am. But soccer sounds like fun, and I'll get to see Max and Laura and Mike, and a lot of other motherfuckers who either currently call me 'friend' or used to call me that and never meant it. It's a nice slap in the face.

I'm glad things are working. I don't want to put anyone off by saying this, but they really are working for me. All the little things wrong (Chris, friends on drugs, etc.) seem meaningless in comparison. I like thinking about the fucked up past. Only because it's so unimportant compared to now.

'Climbed out onto my roof. So I'd be a poet in the night. Beat the walls of my room. I saw the big room that is this life. This is my condition: naked and hysterical, reaching to grab a hand that I just slapped back at. ...Then I remembered us in that bed.' ----'Condition Oakland' by Jawbreaker (Go East Bay!!!)


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